
mkinsight-theme is a WordPress theme developed for MK:Insight project

MK:Insight home page

How to use it

As any other themes for WordPress, mkinsiht-theme can be used by uploading it into wp-contents/themes directory, enabling it from WordPress admin backend.

For further information please refer to WordPress guide about themes

A guide about how to use mkinsight-theme shortcodes and features can be found in the mkinsight-theme wiki


mkinsight-theme includes a set of short codes for authors:

WordPress dependencies

Currently MK:Insight is running under WordPress version 4.7.8

Following the list of required plugins:

*Deprecated / No longer available plugins.


  1. Download WordPress downloads
  2. Copy / Clone mkinstight-theme within within ./wp-content/themes folder

For further information about the general mechanics of themes in WordPress, please refer to the official theme handbook


Theme Structure

|-- mkinsight-theme
    |-- 404.php
    |-- archive.php
    |-- attachment.php
    |-- author.php
    |-- category-default.php
    |-- category.php
    |-- chart-generator-template.php
    |-- comments.php
    |-- entry-content.php
    |-- entry-footer.php
    |-- entry-meta.php
    |-- entry-summary.php
    |-- entry.php
    |-- footer.php
    |-- functions.php
    |-- header.php
    |-- index.php
    |-- nav-below-single.php
    |-- nav-below.php
    |-- page.php
    |-- readme.txt
    |-- resources-page-template.php
    |-- screenshot.png
    |-- search.php
    |-- sidebar.php
    |-- single.php
    |-- style.css
    |-- tag.php
    |-- assets
    |   |-- css
    |   |   |-- bootstrap.css
    |   |   |-- hoverex-all.css
    |   |   |-- ionicons.min.css
    |   |   |-- style.css
    |   |-- fonts
    |   |-- img
    |   |-- includes
    |   |   |-- get-tweets.php
    |   |   |-- shortcode-wpautop-control.php
    |   |   |-- twitter.php
    |   |   |-- twitteroauth
    |   |       |-- OAuth.php
    |   |       |-- twitteroauth.php
    |   |-- js
    |       |-- bootstrap.min.js
    |       |-- ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js
    |       |-- inline-tweet.min.js
    |       |-- jquery.easing.min.js
    |       |--
    |       |-- modernizr-2.8.3.min.js
    |-- mkio2